Sister Celluloid

Where old movies go to live

Monthly Archives: August, 2014

Charles Boyer: A Birthday Celebration

Happy Birthday, Charles Boyer! I love you beyond all reason and sanity. This photo, taken during one of his many shifts at the Hollywood Canteen, really seems to capture him: warm, real, and totally un-movie-star-ish. Absent are the silly studio-mandated shoe lifts and toupee, which he never wore off camera—and you can see how hideously disappointed Claudette …

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The Day Van Johnson Sent My Aunt Ruth to the Fainting Couch

Happy Birthday to the fabulous and insanely underrated Van Johnson, the light, romantic leading man with hidden depths. Though actually they weren’t hidden at all—they were pretty much right there, even in his breezier roles, but especially in weightier films such as Battleground, The End of the Affair, Miracle in the Rain and A Guy Named Joe. If you’re not familiar with that Van, …

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NOIR CITY ANNUAL 2013: Grab One Now Before They’re Gone!

I’m a noir girl, so when I fall, I fall hard. Luckily, the objects of my affection never end up crumpled in a heap on the bedroom floor. Well, almost never. By the time I got through with Noir City Annual 2013, its pages were pawed, its corners were dog-eared (sometimes in both directions), and …

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The Diabolical Blog Of Joe DeVito

Laugh at the serious stuff + stare blankly at the jokes

MovieMovieBlogBlog II

A continuation of of my thoughts on movies and pop culture


Smile! You’re at the best site ever

Eddie Selover

The Art of Communications


Movie & TV stuff by Mel Neuhaus

Ephemeral New York

Chronicling an ever-changing city through faded and forgotten artifacts

The Old Hollywood Garden

Come take a walk with me in Old Hollywood. There's so much to talk about!

"fate keeps on happening"

"Going to the fortune teller's was just as good as going to the opera, and the cost scarcely a trifle more - ergo, I will disguise myself and go again, one of these days, when other amusements fail." - Mark Twain, Letter to Orion Clemens, February 6, 1861

Making a Cinephile

All things film-related.

cracked rear viewer

Fresh takes on retro pop culture


über Film und Kinos in Leipzig


Old Movies are best

The Film Noir Guy

Film noir off the beaten path

Well, Here's Another Nice Mess . . .

Random, Rambling, Ruminations . . .


Bits and pieces of my scattered brain

Making A Way

Remembering To Breathe


Wear what you love, not what they say you should like.